West Village Wonderland
Something Magical happened this weekend in New York City, we had a super special visitor named Jonas!
As you probably know, this weekend half of the country was hit with inches and inches of fresh powder! It snowed all day Saturday, and was the biggest blizzard I have ever seen. Some records indicate we got around 28 inches of snow! All I know is that when I went outside the next day, the fire hydrant by my apartment was covered in snow!
Being from Arizona, and not used to snow, Paris and I couldn’t resist stepping out into the storm to play a little and snap some pics on Saturday… not once but twice! The best part? It actually wasn’t that cold, just wet and blizzard-y! Either way, we had a blast!
The Red Coat I wore was particular warm, I literally only wore a long sleeve shirt (not even a sweater) underneath and I was totally fine! I did double up on socks though to keep me warm inside my rain boots, that I subbed for snow boots!
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