Aug 14 2012
We’re all a bit mad here…
“You’re entirely bonkers, but let me tell you a secret: all the best people are.”
Today the hopeless hostess takes on a most peculiar tea party, inspired by mad hatter’s “un-birthday” tea extravaganza as featured in Alice in Wonderland! 

The hopeless hostess knows that invitations serve as a party’s first impression and have to be taken seriously. With just a an image & a color scheme, she’ll whip up her custom evites online to wow her invitees without dropping a penny. 

This hostess also uses an entree way display for maximum impact. Cover a table in cards, add on-theme hat boxes & front door signage for easy & affordable details. 

The details don’t stop at the door, let a thin, long, over-the-top table serve as the decor focus. Mix your matches with piles of patterned napkins and endless amounts of tea cups. Forget about perfect pairs, the wild and carefree aspect of the table adds a level of whimsy that every mad tea party requires.
The hopeless hostess is in no short supply of sweet treats for her tea party. She whips up her favorite pound or coffee cake (or picks one up from the store), frosts cupcake or mini brownies and surprises guests with mini fruit pizzas (Sugar cookies, frosting & fruit). Finger sandwiches are a tea party must! Try crustless cucumber & fancy cheese spread (or mix whipping creme with italian dressing), their fun & filling!
The hopeless hostess sweetens the deal with candy that doubles as decor. She drops fresh fruit in her water for refreshing citrus water that tastes as good as it looks.
What’s a party without games? The hopeless hostess plans bingo with buttons, charades and the plate game for her most peculiar tea party.

Oh, did I forget to mention that once upon a time this un-birthday tea celebration occurred on this hopeless hostess’s actual birthday? Imagine that. In that case, candles and cupcakes are a must, not just for the birthday girl and hostess herself, but also for all of the guest’s celebrating their un-birthdays. Make a wish…
I hope you enjoyed the first of many hopeless hostess post! Want to keep the party going? Well stay tuned, there is much more to celebrate on the way…