May 21 2012
Underneath It All
This Ones For the Girls
It’s the start of another week, and you know what that means: Marketing Monday (yay)
Today we’re featuring an adorable retroesque Vanity Fair ad and taking it all off to look at the perfect undergarments for any outfit!
Before we strip down, lets check out the commercial that inspired it all…
Dear Boys … Please Hit Pause
For all my manly readers out there, I truly appreciate your support but from this point on, this post is strictly for women only. I love you all but must ask you to please hit pause, and allow us to maintain some of the mystery. Please tune in tomorrow and everyday after that for posts for all genders.
Underneath It All
A summer approaches, we start to bare all with strapless dresses, plunging necklines and skin tight stunners! But your outfit cannot be complete without the right undergarmets

Plunging necklines are always on trend and can look great on almost any body type, if you start with the right undergarment! These deep v bras keep you supported while showing off your skin.
For all of those bombshells out there, a body con or bandage dress is a closet necessity. But if you own one without the proper undergarments, thats where it should stay until you invest in some. A seamless bra keeps everything smooth and supported up top while the wonderful creation of spanx help you achieve perfection below the bra.
Shop Vanity Fair here
Shop Vanity Fair here