Jul 16 2013
texas rangers
it’s time for another tuesday team-up with my favorite sporty blog stylish gameday! today we tackle blog author alexis’s favorite baseball team: the texas rangers!
keep it simple >> all you need is a graphic tee, denim shorts and a little red lipstick to look fabulous while you root root root for your home team // get the look
play ball >> no graphic tee? no problem! wear a striped dress and the team colors. once you get to the field… buy a hat at the field to show your spirit! // get the look

summer-time spirit >> cheer on your team in a simple and summery look! white shorts & sunnies help you beat the heat, and a big blue tote allows you to smuggle in candy and treats for all your friends, shhh! // get the look
want more? see three more texas rangers looks at stylish gameday! && tune in next week when we tackle my baseball team!