#tbt – Lacoste
Okay, don’t hate me but Thursday is actually my favorite day of the work week (yep, even over Friday… I know, I’m bananas) and today I’ll tell you why!
If I had a super power, it would totally be time travel … well that and the ability to generate sprinkles with my mind, but that’s another story. How could would it be to go to a sock hop in the fifties, tease your hair to increase your height in the eighties or hang out with your grandma as a teenager… the answer? so cool. Well, I can’t exactly time travel (yet – stay tuned) but for now, I can kind of sort of travel back into time every Thursday.. oh according to instagram, throw back Thursday.
So I don’t know who started this whole #tbt thing (that’s throw back Thursday, get it?), but we should totalllly be besties, because they’re probably my favorite person. Not only do I love seeing ugly childhood photos and sharing baby photos of Waffles. To power me through the work day, I tune to some serious #tbt jams like Britney pre-buzz cut and all of those awesome 90’s boy bands we swore to marry (move over One Direction … no jk, you’re awesome and I love you). If you wan’t to jam along, I created a super-cool playlist sure to give you flashbacks to puppet-inspired music videos, platform shoes and my personal favorite, guys with spiked hair & bleach blonde highlights. I also take the #tbt theme a bit further. I’ve been known to challenge myself fashion wise on thursdays, but taking an old or out of trend piece and trying to make it current, wearing something vintage or just paying homage to fashion heritage – which is the case for today!
check out the playlist hereLacoste has the ultimate #tbt campaign going on, where they use old ads and vintage marketing media to crazy cool clothing! The result – is refreshing, modern and yet surpassingly timeless, but I’ve come to expect nothing less from this iconic brand. Furthermore, I kind of sort of love when history mega-brands take a nod to where they’ve been as the propel in the future, way to go Lacoste! Here’s a look at the vintage pieces in the L!ve line…

I love a good graphic tee, but went a little gaga for this ah-mazing screen printed sweatshirt (and so did my boyfriend, he actually asked to wear it to work the day after I shot this hah). It’s crazy cute with a fitted mini, and I played with print a bit by pairing camo for a fun & flirty twist and finished the look with sporty accessories.
SWEATSHIRT: Lacoste LIve Vinatge Sweatshirt
SKIRT: Similar Camo Pencil Skirt (another option here)
SUNNIES: Foldable (and awesome) ray bans that I can’t stop wearing
SHOES: Stan Smith (also get them here or here)
BAG: Kate Spade Mini Maise in Black
& My uncharacteristically nude lip is Kinda Sexy by Mac
P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Spotify so we can jam to my #tbt playlist!