Introducing Color Me Month – Hello Red
OMG HI! & welcome back. I’m so glad you’re here 🙂

I’m super excited to introduce Color Me Month – A new monthly segment here at Color Me Courtney focused on getting you comfortable with COLOR.
I’m not an expert at much, but I do know color. I would like to think my years of fearlessly embracing it have made me a color pro. So once I month I’m going to be taking a deeper look at a color, and hopefully inspire you to do the same.
We’ll cover cover everything from:
Who looks best in each hue
What colors work together and why
Where to spot it in the city
When its appropriate to wear color (and how much)
Ways to introduce it in your wardrobe
& even How to use it in your home
Plus I’ll be introducing #colormechallenge’s along the way for you to tackle and get involved in & every three months there will be a special Color Me Challenge where I push you to ditch the black and dive into color.
I hope you’re as excited about this series as I am. To keep you interested, here are a few of the Red Hot posts you’ll see popping up this month. So Stay tuned for:
– How & Why you should wear red this winter
– The biggest selection of red products to shop … like ever
– Red & Pink outfits to get you excited for valentines day
– The Red super ingredient you need in your skincare routine (and maybe even your salad?)
– Instagrammable red Locations to see, shoot and shop in NYC
– Crazy cute red nail polish combos for your #colormemani
– Red’s color besties Aka what colors work with red and why
– Monochromatic works to die for
– My favorite red lipsticks
– & more!
Each month will focus on a specific color and a series of posts surrounding celebrating it in style. First up, We’re seeing red!
Introducing Red, The hottest color.
For our first feature, we’re talking about Red which is definitely the hottest color of them all and in my opinion one of the easiest to wear.
Every time I wear red on
instagram I get a comment saying something along the lines of “I wish I could wear red”, or “You look great in red, I could never wear it” and I’m always shocked. In my opinion (and my Grandma’s too) its the easiest color to wear, because you can do just one pop and it will change everything.
So today’s post is all about the perfect pop of red and three EASY ways to introduce it into your wardrobe.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you’re obsessed with wearing black or crazy about cool colors you can easily spice things up with a red lip. A red lip has become a signature to my style, but it’s the easiest (and most affordable) way to completely change your look.

Are you obsessed with jeans and a white tee? Try adding a bold red lip to add an unexpected level of sass to your look.
Find yourself stuck in a black and white corporate look everyday at the office? Make things pop with a cranberry kiss.
Is your go to date night look a LBD? opt for a cherry red lip and sky high stiletto’s to really catch his (or her) eye.
Stay tuned for a break down of my favorite red lips (and why) in a future post, but if you can’t wait shop these tried and true favorites below.
One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine
My first big coat purchase was a pink one from Kate Spade, It was $350 with my employee discount and more than I had ever spent on anything at the time. My favorite part about it was the fact that when winter came, I was the only one in a colorful coat. I quickly also invested in a red thrifted one to wear when I was feeling more pink and less red. To this day, I don’t own a black coat (oops, and I just recently bought black pumps) because I always feel “prettier” in my red one. Getting ready in winter is hard enough when its 12 degrees (or less) so the thought of pulling on a big bland black coat is killer enough to make me stay inside – but I always smile when I slip into my red coat, it’s like snow battling superhero cape I never knew I needed, but not can’t live without.

The good thing about red is it really looks great with every other color, from pink & purple to yellow & green (red & green is my favorite color combo, but more on that later) it’s a can’t miss color. Thats why I never understand why people are so afraid of it. Red does evoke confidence, strength, and fun – its a bold LOOK AT ME color, so the Leo in me loves it – but for those of you who prefer to blend in, I really encourage you to take a step out of your color comfort zone and tip your toe into the hottest color. You’re special (because you’re here, and #colormecuties are special by nature – duh) so you deserve to stand out.
So this week, your #colormechallenge is to play with a pop of color … specifically RED!
Try a red lip, invest in a red purse or dive in with a red coat! However you celebrate, Tweet me your color me red purchases, looks and inspiration @colormecourtney using #colormechallenge for a retweet.
You can also share your posts on instagram with #colormechallenge and tagging & mentioning @colormecourtney so I can see them and share!
Get ready for a month full of RED until start of your Color Me Month (and your week) right by:
& FINALLY – getting inspired with my previous red outfits at
See you tomorrow for a tip post for all my blogger babes!