Entertainment, Green,
POKEMON 25th Anniversary
it’s the 25th anniversary of pokemon today !!! I rediscovered pokemon last year in lockdown and it was like becoming a kid again!! 10/10 recommend watching or re-watching it, either from the beginning or really by just jumping in whenever you’d like

In the celebration of Pokemon 25th Anniversary
Did you see Detective Pikachu ? It was Pokemon’s first live action movie! I thought the animation was so well done & Pikachu was so cute ! I also love Justice Smith so naturally it’s a fav of mine !
Hoping that we get more live actions Pokémon movies, supposedly one is already in the works
Backpack || Ella Dress || Face Mask || Flare Dress
Converse Sneakers || Pikachu Backpack || Utility Dress
Squirtle is a water type pokemon
with a “tough guy” personality. Their shells are for protection and helps them swim at high speeds. One of my favorite squirtle attacks is “water gun” which Ash uses often
STORYLINE: In Pokemon, Ash runs into a group of rouge Squirtle in sunglasses that are now causing chaos. The leader eventually becomes Ash’s Squirtle & remaining start a fire-fighting squad, putting out fire’s with their water guns! It’s so cute!
For my #squirtle look I am rocking a ombre blue dress, it’s actually the same style I used for Pikachu above but in a different fabric & color. I have round blue earrings to match his round face and a gold belt for his shell belly! This mask also matches his cute smirk (please continue to wear a mask).
Squirtle Backpack ||Ella Dress || Face Mask
Ombre Dress || Face Mask || Mini Dress
In re-watching pokemon I’ve developed a strong appreciation for Brock!!! Here’s why:
BACKSTORY: His parents left him & his 9 siblings alone so the oldest, Brock was left to play parent & run a gym full time at the age of 15. Soon after we meet Brock, his father returns & Brock can live out his dream of becoming a pokemon breeder.
CARETAKER: Supported by Brocks back story, he becomes the care taker of the group (Misty & Ash) on their journeys. We often see Brock giving Ash advice, being the voice of reason & cooking their meals while sporting an apron. We have a cheesy ham & potatoes soup recipe in our family that is one of my favorites & it looks exactly like Brocks soup (see the recipe below)
GIRL CRAZY: Brock is a little older than Misty & Ash and he’s totally girl crazy lol. I love it. He falls HARD for every girl in a kind of creepy yet endearing way (hence the blush)
OBVI brock is brown, so as a kid I would often play as him in video games. Creators removed Brock from the show. In the Orange Island season we say goodbye to Brock who stays with Professor Ivy. The creators perceived Brock’s Character design as racist outside of Japan. So the Creators replaced him with a lighter-skinned more “obvious white” character Tracey (idk doesn’t make sense to me lol?). But this had the opposite effect, fans we’re furious this beloved character was dropped from the show & the creators were forced to bring him back for the following season. Yes, Brock is brown but he also defies gender norms (especially in the 90s) and is a really multi-dimensional character. This is always what I want for my brown/black characters on TV, I want character development that’s more than their race!
That is some of the MANY reasons I love Brock!
she’s basically a pop star, just no one knows it
Once she sees an audience, stage or any opportunity to perform, out comes her mic & she start singing … but this songs puts anyone listening immediately to sleep. Angry, jigglypuff has the very *rational* response of pulling off the top of her mic to reveal a marker & drawing on everyone’s sleeping face. The “audience” wakes covered in ink and jigglypuff is nowhere to be found lol.
SHE WONT BE IGNORED. If that’s not enough of a reason to love jigglypuff IDK WHAT IS !!! for this look I found the poofiest dress I could that would still work with sneakers, then added 💖 emoji earrings, my jigglypuff backpack, pink mask & over the top pink anime makeup. Hope you love it as much as I do!
Jigglypuff Backpack ||Kawaii Face Mask || Puff Dress
Puff Dress || Face Mask
Green dress || Green dress ||PLUS dress
White Boot || Bootie || Fashion Boot