Pink & Red
When fashion week falls on valentines day, I see no other option but to get dressed up in full-out-theme. So I did just that for my second look for NYFW day 3 – red lip, red, coat, red sunnies… and an overused pink sweater 😉
I hope everyone had a crazy wonderful valentines day – and by crazy wonderful, I mean full. of. CHOCOLATE!! I spent mine at NYFW while my boyfriend worked until 2 am, poor guy. My day started with Lacoste and Noon by Noor (see what I wore here), after the shows I went home to check on Waffles and stuff my face, where I spilled on myself warranting this outfit change. I wanted to keep up my valentines day theme, so I paired a little pink with a lot of red as I stepped out into the storm for Mara Hoffman.
After the show, we were supposed to stop by the all star game but Paris’s schedule didn’t really allow it – but that’s okay I was totally fine with spending the evening catching on on PLL in my polka dot robe. Being the sweetheart that he is, he still brought me home gifts (donuts and chocolate – my kinda gifts) at 2AM after his 14 hour day. Hope your valentines day was super sweet and that you spent it with someone special!!!
Pink Sweater (similar, look for less here) || Red Coat (Similar) || Leopard Clutch
Over The Knee Boots || Pearl Cuff || Red SunniesP.S. See my first NYFW Look here