Nov 1 2012
parisian party
today’s look is kate spade party perfection with a pop of parisian chic.
this striped celina dress is a girl’s best friend, everyone woman should have something like it hanging in their closet to dust off && wear for a special event … or just a wednesday.
ladies, believe in the power of layering. i took the dress from classic to quirky with a quick pop of my peter pan collar that reads “all the girls are mad” in french.
this look is 99% kate spade for a brand fan head to toe look, where the fun red && polka dot accents work as this outfit’s final touches for the perfect parisian party. 

top: kate spade (on sale) // dress: kate spade // shoes: kate spade (30% off) // purse: kate spade // sunnies: miu miu // rings: kate spade // wire wrap (design your own!) // francescas // arm party: sequin // kate spade (similar) // sequin // kate spade idioms x3 (old) // michael kors // kate spade // vintage // pearls // j.crew