Jan 8 2014
New & Improved
Happy 2014!
A new year calls for a new & improved blog!
I’m convinced this is the year of Color Me Courtney so I’m rolling out
big changes, new segments, exciting collaborations and outrageous outfits to make sure CMC is the best blog it can be! So today, I’m breaking down all the exciting new things happening on the blog
big changes, new segments, exciting collaborations and outrageous outfits to make sure CMC is the best blog it can be! So today, I’m breaking down all the exciting new things happening on the blog
This year, I pledge to blog at least 3 days a week (let’s face it, probably more) on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. So be sure to check back MWF to see the new post!
DIY Friday
In the past I’ve shared some of my favorite DIY creation on various fridays, but for 2013 I pledge to post at least one DIY tutorial a month.
The biggest change I’m making to is the integration of my Arizona roots with my current life in NYC. Since I currently reside in the big apple, I will be bringing you featured posts of my favorite city places & moments throughout the year. To touch on my favorite AZ hotspots, I’ve enlisted the help of one of my favorite and not to mention most talented Zonies, Katrina!
I’ve known Katrina pretty much my whole life
(our moms have been friends forever) and she is one of the
most fabulous, friendly, down-to-earth and creative people I know.
So when I decided to team up with someone special from AZ, Katrina was my first and only choice. I hope you love hearing from her as much as I do, and to give you a taste of what’s to come here is Miss Katrina herself…
Above, Katrina & her adorable Son, Levi
From Katrina:
First off I am so excited to contribute to Color Me Courtney.
I adore Courtney and her aesthetic, ambition and fire for life.
She really is amazing, but you guys already know all this!
My name is Katrina.
I am a wife, a mother, a reader, and a hedonist.
I never finish anything, but I am in a constant state of striving for improvement.
I am deeply dedicated to black and white as evident by my color-devoid home and wardrobe. I love decorating and dressing up. My uniform involves flats, pearls and red lipstick if I am feeling cheeky. My goal in life is to absorb those transcendental moments that ascend the dailiness of life and make your core brim
with gratitude for this experience.
I am a sixth generation Arizonan currently raising up a seventh via
my three adorable kiddos. I, like most Arizonans, have a love/hate relationship
with our state, those emotions generally coincide with our two seasons winter/summer, respectively. Regardless of the current season, I love seeking out the treasures that Arizona has to offer. I love the vast trove of thrifting, the art walks, the food truck courts, cute boutiques, the quirky events, but mostly the people that make all of those happen. I can’t wait to share these events with Color Me Courtney readers.
. . .
Starting later this month, Katrina will be taking over
on the last tuesday of every month to bring you an awesome arizona post. Until then pop by her pinterest, it’s one of the most amazing ones to follow!
Visit Katrina Gibbs’s profile on Pinterest.
on the last tuesday of every month to bring you an awesome arizona post. Until then pop by her pinterest, it’s one of the most amazing ones to follow!
Visit Katrina Gibbs’s profile on Pinterest.
I’ve also created a new “about this blog page”
to provide a detailed look at what this blog is all about and what you can expect to get out of it :] if you haven’t yet, please pop by this page to read all about it … and cheers to 2014!
