Jan 24 2019
Green, Orange,
Neon Coral
Hey cuties! The coral looks keep coming, and today I’m making a case for why a neon coral combo is a MUST for you and your partner.
Lets be real, January is tough! You might be broke or just bummed from the holidays, it’s crazy cold outside but not in a fun magical “winter wonderland” kind of way – just in a I can’t feel my face and I now have walking pneumonia kind of way. It can be hard to want to get out of your cozy warm bed every day to walk out into the terrible tundra that is a New York winter, especially when that means walking to wherever in a sea of black coats and sad looks… BUT YOU CAN CHANGE THAT, well some of it.

It sounds silly but putting on bright clothes makes me instantly happy. When I look down and see myself in boring, basic black it’s really easy to have a bad day. But when you’re wearing bright colors it’s that much harder to feel down. It can also have a positive effect on those around you. When I’m wandering about and wearing something BOLD AND BRIGHT like this look, I get so many smiles, which in turn makes me smile and the whole word is a little bit brighter, if only for a second. I can’t control much, bad things happen all the time and since my brother passed most of my days feel dark. One of the few things I can control is what I wear everyday, and when there is so much that feels wrong a little bit of brightness can go along way.

What makes you happy when things feel dark? Tell me in the comments – I bet it will make me smile.
