What Makes a Great Instagram Name
Hey, cuties! Today I’m giving some Instagram tips. Specifically, I’m covering: What should you name your account?! This can be applied to blogs or Instagram accounts!
The best Instagram names …
1: Tell me what your account is all about (color, fashion, travel, family?)
2: Tell me what to call you (first name, or a signature name you’re okay being identified as, like @thebucketlistfamily or @therock lol)
3: Is available on all social platforms
Mistakes to avoid:
1: Don’t include underscores, numbers, or periods if you can. It can look unprofessional and is harder to share via word of mouth. Its also harder to remember, if you’re speaking at a panel and you have to share all the off numbers or underscores in your name, it’s likely they’ll forget it and you’ll loose that follower.
2: don’t use someone else’s brand or identity in your name. This sounds obvious, but most Disney themed Instagram accounts use “Disney” in them, and this is a major no-no. It prevents you from copywriting your own name (bc you don’t/can’t own “Disney”) and could prevent you from getting hired both with the brand’s identity you’re stealing from and from other brands or competitors who won’t want to deal with that drama
3: I don’t recommend using your full name for new accounts unless you’re a host, author, on-air personality, actor, or some other recognizable name with a built-in audience. I think using your full name when it’s not well-known makes it harder to build a brand or stand out. Is it easier to remember: Color Me Courtney or Courtney Quinn?
4: Don’t use a name that isn’t your own. Again sounds obvious but if you’re inspired by a fictional character, a child’s name, a pet’s name, a nick-name or anything else the name you use in your handle will be the name people recognize you as, not your actual first name
A good name!
I hate to toot my own horn and only will because it was a total accident, but COLORMECOURTNEY is an example of a great name. It tells you my account is about color & it tells you my name is Courtney. It’s catchy, simple & easy to remember. It sounds like a real brand but also shows you its a personal brand, run by Courtney. COLORME can also be removed and added to other things, like @colormemagic: my Disney acc & an extension of the colorme brand or tags like #colormeyellow for our yellow color of the month. I didn’t strategize this when I came up with my name, but it sure did work out.
I HOPE THIS HELPS! you can always find more Instagram tips for you here