Feb 9 2013
my closet
today’s post is kind of sad, but i guess it has a happy ending
… a new york city ending.
so i’m finally making the big move to new york city! but to do so, i had to say goodbye to my suburban sized life && my amazing walk in closet. before i dismantled my functional friend, i snapped a few pics to share && to ensure her memory would live on
waffie loves to nap in my closet, on the couch or snugged up to the shoes, he isn’t too picky when it comes to nap time.

girls who wear pearls…
“cinderella is proof… shoes an change your life” …
for my fallen friend…
dearest closet, you will be missed. one day when i’m rich && famous (or even if i’m not) i’ll be sure to recreate a bigger, better version of you. until then, stay sparkly… xoxo courtney.