Jun 4 2018
June’s Color Of The Month
Hey cuties! Excited to announce our new JUNE color of the month ORANGE!
Orange has always been a color of mine, as a kid I wore it like crazy but as aI got older didn’t consider it chic and kind of stepped away from it. I recently (last summer) fell back in love with this hue and I just cant stop wearing it! Its become my go to lip color, one of my favorite for #colormemani’s and a staple in my wardrobe.

SO THIS MONTH I cant wait to introduce, or reintroduce you to this color that I loved for so long. I know it can be a scary hue for so many people to wear so I’m excited to ease you into it while exploring orange beauty, fashion and more all month long!!!

Based on your feedback I’m making a few changes here on the blog throughout our ORANGE month
– I’ll be feature the color in more outside of fashion and beauty
– I’ll be sharing plus size options for every blog post I wear, and am trying to shop more at sights that share extended size ranges
– I’ll be continuing to share the look for less (anytime I wear anything over $100 I give you a look for less version for under $100)

Last month you guys took Color Me Month to the extreme by posting your #colormemonthGREEN looks on instagram. So I wanted to bring back that feature for #ColorMeMonthOrange! Feel free to tag your photos (old or new) with #colormemonthORANGE and I’ll be sharing a few of my favorites on my instagram, here’s how I pick which ones to share
– I look for current photos (summery-spring photos) that will provide the most inspiration
– I like to share clear and colorful photos, stuff similar to what I post of myself
– I like when people take the theme in an unexpected way: orange backdrops, nails, flatlays to switch things up!

To get you started here is your ORANGE look book featuring pieces for under $100 and some plus size pretties too:
Tune in TONIGHT for our first #colormemonthORANGE blog post
