Oh hello Holiday season, it’s crazy how this time of the year always, ALWAYS sneaks up on us! B.A.N.A.N.A.S!
Outfit Details: Top (short version)|| Skirt || Vest || Lip || Clutch || Boots (also here)
I love this time of the year, holiday parties, holiday pastries and and oh yeah HOLIDAY PRESENTS. I spend most of December twirling through NYC yelling “SANTA I KNOW HIM” and resisting the urge to hug strangers while (poorly) singing Christmas carols because, you know ‘TIS THE SEASON – but on occasion I do get my ish together and try to look for a holiday party or two! So if you you too are a big mess of Christmas Crazy, first of all give yourself a high five for being elf-ing awesome ( 😉 )and second of all, this post is just for you! Because Today I’m sharing a really cute, and easy holiday look that’s kind of sort of over the top in the best way possible – YAY CHRISTMAS!
The second the clock strikes midnight on Thanksgiving thursday I’m like “BOOM, ’tis the season, make a list, check it twice, WHERE’S SANTA, let’s watch Elf, OMG CHRISTMAS”. Yep that’s me, that Christmas Crazy chick that shows up to every holiday party (sometimes twice in a night if I ever happen to be that popular) with egg nog, Christmas cookies and more sparkling cider than ANYONE would want – so yeah, I kind of sort of love Christmas. Aside from Xmas PJS (and cookies) one of my favorite ways to celebrate is getting all dressed up for all my friends Christmas parties.
For the holidays (New Years especially) I feel like everyone wears red and sequins – although I totally LOVE both of those, I like to switch thing sup a bit and stand out! One says way to do that is give feathers a whirl, like in the form of a mini skirt! I picked up this piece last year and have worn the crap out of it for Holiday parties, nights out, New Years eve and so many other pretty little occasion! Try dressing it up with a silk bow blouse (like me! #twinz) or edge things up with an over sized sweater and over the knee boots! Either way, twirling your way through the parties in a feathered mini is one sure way to make a statement, or get yourself noticed by someone special! #meetmeunderthemisletoe 😉
Outfit Details: Top (short version)|| Skirt || Vest || Lip || Clutch || Boots (also here)
