May 1 2014
Happy Birthday, Waffles

Today’s post is going to be short & sweet, just like my little man. My french bulldog, Sir Waffles Leopold Nelson Fowler the 3rd, Waffles turned two last Tuesday! So in addition to flooding your Instagram feed with my favorite waffles pics on (follow along here) we also celebrated with a bow tie themed park party… Yes, I realize I’m ridiculous, don’t judge me. Truthfully, we were partying too hard to cover the whole event, but we’re able to snap a few of the highlights.

We celebrated Waffies’ big day with a few of his favorite things: bow ties, donuts and being the center of attention! Waffles loves Washington Square Park, so a few friends met for fatty foods and fresh air! Waffles and Paris both wore bow ties, and I wore a bow-print dress to match! Some of my blogger buddies, Daisy O (coolest last name ever) and Melanie plus my awesome photographer friend, Claire Eliza were also in attendance. People stopped and stared at our giant #2 balloon wondering who was turning two, some strangers even joined us for a donut to help celebrate! Over all, it was an easy-going day-of-birth for Mr. Waffles, but I think he had a great time!

Happy Birthday little guy!
You’re awful, smelly and the most stubborn creature on the planet, but I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Cheers to many more years of city exploring, vintage bow-tie shopping and snuggly naps together.
I love you to the moon and back,
XO mom.