Dear Santa
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, when I over-trim my tree, deck the hall until their dripping in dazzle and just go Coo Coo for Christmas, but this year has been a little bit different! Since I’ve been working like a maniac, with only one day off all month long, I’ve fallen a bit behind on my seasonal celebrations. Plus, my family flyes in on friday (from AZ) to spend christmas in the city, so we are skipping the big gifts this year to splurge on shows and such for some fowler-family bonding! Despite my recent lack of shopping (I’ve been all work and no play lately, boo) I’m still completely content with having a less “materialist” christmas this season and investing in memories instead of mementoes. All these frugal factors have resulted in a slightly less Christmas-crazed Courtney and therefore a wish list full of functional (yet fabulous) gifting goodies that I’m sharing today!
Oh, and yes I’m wearing ornaments as earrings, tune in tomorrow for more on that plus a day full of holiday DIY’s!
In my stocking:
I’ve been a good girl all year … who are we kidding,
that’s a lie; for starters, I’ve broken every fashion rule in the book, mixed
my matches and turned skirts into dresses if only for a day. Nevertheless, I’m still hoping Santa will stuff my stocking with something swanky!

I guess you know you’re officially an “adult”,
when you stop the pleading for a pony and move skin care to the top of your Xmas list. I mean what’s next a vacuum cleaner? Actually I could really use a new one, put me down for one of those too … but let’s make it high-gloss red, I wouldn’t want to grow up too fast. Anyways, here’s a peek at my grown-up-ish Christmas list, centered around a clear complexion and vinyl vices to fuel my record addiction.

Every mess of a twenty-something needs a retro record player,
it’s the perfect addition to any apartment. Bad day? Pull on your favorite party dress and twirl to She & Him volumes 1 and 3. before falling to the floor and listening to Back to Black (how amazing is Amy Winehouse?), it will surly cure any awfulness the day may have thrown your way.
And if not, there’s always prozac.

// Vintage Cashmere Sweater, Thrifted // Skirt: H&M (similar here and here, plus obsessed with this leather one that’s 50% off!) // Shoes: Jcrew // Belt: H&M (similar) // Earrings: DIY (tune in tomorrow) // Jewels: Jcrew // Bowtie: Vintage Silk because I’m ridiculous and splurge on stuff for my pup!
What are you wishing for this year? Sit on my metaphorical blog lap (leave me a comment) and tell me all about it!