Cool Dad
Your dad called, he wants his outfit back.
I’m ALL about track suits right now. I don’t know why, but I’m okay with that. Maybe it’s because I work from home most of the day, and am sick of doing so in either dresses or sweat pants that Paris hates (I have a pair he always hides BC THEY’RE SO COMFY). In a track suit I can feel cute & comfortable all while looking like Sue Sylvester from glee.
Speaking of working from home, it can be tough to stay productive. Over the past few weeks I’ve been more productive than usual despite a few distractions by doing this: time batching, serious scheduling & wearing coordinated yet comfy outfits.
Time batching is when you lump like activities, like writing all of your blog posts in one block. It can help you get in a groove and be more efficient. I’m going to write a full post about it later on but wanted to share something new I’ve been trying.
Serious scheduling is a less official term that I coined. I’ve used this trick my whole life but mostly when studying for the GMAT.
The GMAT is a rigorous test you have to take (and ace) to get into most grad school or MBA programs. I got my MBA at 21 after finishing my other BA undergraduate degrees in two and a half years. I didn’t decide to go on and get my MBA until 3 months before the application deadline, which required the GMAT. At the time the GMAT took anywhere between 45-60 days to get your results back so based on the testing schedule I had 25 days from the day I decided to go to grad school to get my study on. Most people take between 3 and 6 months to do this, but not this gal.
Any who, back to serious scheduling. Every night I would make a hard core schedule for the next day making out every second of my day and setting alarms. When I say every second, I mean every second. I mapped when I ate, when I drank water, when I went to the bathroom, when I showered EVERYTHING. I also did all of my studying in a different room (that I sat up the night before) away from my TV, bedroom and any distractions.
my GMAT schedule would look a little like this:
5 30 First Alarm
6 AM Wake up / get up
6 15 Bathroom / Brush Teeth
6 30 Treadmill (I had a treadmill in my house)
7 15 Water Break / Breakfast
7 40 Shower
8 00 Math Study
9 15 Water / bathroom break
9 30 Math Practice Tests
10 15 Grade test
10 30 Water Break
10 45 Review Test Mistakes
11 15 Vocab Section Study
12 30 Lunch break
1 00 Vocab Practice test
1 45 Grade Test
2 00 Review Test Mistakes
2 45 Water / Bathroom break
3 00 Treadmill
3 45 Water break / cool down
4 00 Vocab Study
4 30 Math Study
5 00 Vocab Flash cards
5 30 Math Flash cards
6 00 Dinner break
7 30 Vocab Practice Test
8 15 Grade test / review mistakes
9 00 Read 5 pages of test prep or test tips
^^ This was my schedule Friday / Saturday / Sunday.
On Mondays / Wednesdays I would go to class from 245 – 8 and push that part of the schedule out, staying up till 2 or 3 to study and do my actual college work.
On Tuesdays / Thursdays I would babysit for 3-5 hours in the middle of the day, where I would also do my reading for my current college classes when the kids were napping if I had the chance.
I really stuck to this schedule. I would have my mom come over for dinner (which she usually made) or go out to eat with her or my brother, but that was really the only thing I did aside from work, study & school.
Having those treadmill breaks really kept me sane because they gave my mind a break – now that I have a gym in my building its something I take advantage of during busy days to break up my serious scheduling.
Coordinating Cuteness – Here’s the thing, when you look good you feel good. I always find myself more productive when I’m wearing a crazy cute track suit, even if no one ever sees it. It helps me get it all done while feeling lost comfortable & confident. SO here are a few current favorites for you lounge wear babes to invest in:
