Cool for the Summer
I’m so totally obsessed with “Cool For the Summer” by Demi Lovato… and honestly her in general. I mean come on, how cool is she! Anyways since it’s been so crazy hot lately, and I can’t get that song out of my head, today I’m sharing a few fun swimwear looks and some ways to stay Cool for the Summer!
#1 Ice Cream – the first way I keep cool all summer long is Ice Cream. Honestly, nothing helps a hot day like crazy cold ice cream!!! Here I’m having Big Gay Ice Cream in the West Village, but I really love Snow Days Shavery, Popbar Sundaes & Cones, and Grom Gelato.
#2 Swimwear Style – I am all for turning your swimsuits into real clothes for the Summer. I tend to wear a lot of tank top esque swimwear, so when it’s crazy hot I pair them with high waisted skirts . Doing so shows a smidge of skin (right at the mid drift) and helps you keep really cool despite the heat.
# 3 Get out of your Apartment!!! – Most days when I find the heat unbearably hot, its because I’m stuck inside my apartment (no central air, yikes!). If I get out and go picnic in the shade, head to the beach or go boating in central park I feel instantly cooler. Getting up and doing something can help take your beat the heat and staying active will help to take your mind off it! My favorite summer Activities include taking Waffles to the dog park & watching him play in the fountain and eating brunch or something al fresco are some of mine – what’s yours?
