May 12 2015

Eyelash Obsessed + Giveaway

IMG_9209 Hey NYC I’m so excited tell you all about my recent obsession eyelash  extensions   today and  to give away a few  gift cards to my readers today so you can get your own externs at  JJ Eyelashes in New York!IMG_6193

Alright, so I’ve been keeping a secret! Have you noticed something lengthy going on near my lashes? if so, it’s because these beauties are externs and I can’t wait to tell you alllllll about them, so today I’m sharing “everything you need to know about eyelash extensions” and answering some of the questions you had about them!IMG_8698

For as long as I can remember I have been color me crazy for long lashes. I’ve tried it all, falsies, crazy amounts of mascara and even growth serums like Latise. Don’t get me wrong, they all worked in their own way but I never got the results I wanted … until I learned about JJ eyelashes and their amazing lash extensions.IMG_8007

About two months ago, I went to JJ to get my first set of lashes – a ruby set in the shortest length and I instantly fell in love! The process was super easy, I just arrived for my appointment, laid down and popped my headphones in. They have to tape your eyes a bit to attach the lashes (don’t freak out it’s totally painless) and the whole process takes about an hour, maybe less but it goes by in a flash. After you open up to have perfect lashes, literally perfect, you won’t have to wear mascara and probably even eyeliner for the next three to four weeks.  IMG_7834

How long do they last?  I’ve tried JJ lashes twice now, and been crazy impressed both times. Each time my set lasted at least four week – once again that’s  four weeks without mascara  and I never had any irritation issues or anything like that.IMG_8096

What are they  exactly?  Eyelash extensions  are basically synthetic  lash replicas attached with a gentle yet strong glue, so you can’t really rub your eyes or pile on the mascara because it can cause them to fall out earlier than expected. The technician will customize them to your face as need be and work to create your perfect set!IMG_8608

What am I wearing? I am wearing either a ruby or a diamond set (diamond is a bit thicker, I got these my second time) in 7mm round lashes. They also offer more of a cat eye shape, and you could go thicker or thinner than me with longer lashes if you preferred. I have tiny little baby eyes, so I kept it kind of short to keep them looking natural.IMG_6147

Does it Hurt?  Not all all! It is kind of weird to be taped up for a bit as they apply the lashes but you adjust quickly and the whole process doesn’t take long at all, and plus it’s all worth it!IMG_6254

  Would you  recommend it to a friend?  Uhm YES! Literally eyelash extensions totally changed my life and my routine, I honestly think I will keep using them for the foreseeable future, I’m so obsessed and addicted and cannot rave about them enough.IMG_7493

Want Some?    If you’re in NYC and you want to try some lashes risk free, you can at JJ eyelashes in Herald Square! I’ve teamed up with JJ to give away a few $50 gift cards to lucky readers!!!! To enter, all you have to do is follow me on twitter (@colormecourtney) and enter via the raffle copter! I’ll contact all of the winners to give them their gift cards! Plus everyone (even if you win a gift card) can get 15% off your first and second visit at JJ eyelashes, just use the code COLORMEJJ and mention me when you go to the herald square location!!!!IMG_6647


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