May 25 2018
Green, Orange,
Have you been enjoying our month of GREEN? Hop you’re joining the part on instagram #colormemonthGREEN
Today I’m sharing a green & orange look, which is a really fun and different color combo that I totally LAVE.

Green and orange work together because they’re both secondary colors. Blue and yellow makes green, and yellow and red make orange. Since yellow is their common creator they’re both going to have a little bit of warmth, but the cool of the blue built into green tones it down so they can work together without over shadowing it. Green also looks good with purple, the final secondary color for the same reason, green and purple share blue as a creator color but more on that in tomorrows post.
For this look, I made a few adjustments to make the look a little more flattering. I cropped the top by tucking half of it in to the skirt and folding the rest over, and I twisted the skirt to the side to make the slit hit differently and show some more leg, therefore lengthening my short and stubby ones.

Here is the look without the tuck or the twist:

& here it is again with the edits I made:

The moral of the story is if you have a look thats not quite right, try tweaking it a bit in a few ways to make it a little more flattering. When you have a not so average body type (like me) you might have to make slight no-sew adjustments to make it work!

LOCATION: Shot at West Side Market on the lower east side
