Central Park Snackage
So I’ve been a very bad new yorker, well until now!
Although Central Park is only two quick subway stops away (I could literally get there from the West Village in maybe 20 min max – it’s awesome) I don’t get up there as much as I should and It’s really really sad!!! BUT this summer I have spent more time in central park than ever, and I couldn’t be more excited about it!
These photos were snapped when we escaped up to central park for a day of wandering and well, eating. We picked up sandwiches along the way for the perfect impromptu picnic on a well placed rock – this gave us a great view of the park and the city while allowing us the perfect perk for our little picnic!
What to wear on a perfect summer (almost Fall) day? Oh stripes, denim and converse of course! But I made a basic look fun with this crazy cute emoji bag and bright sunnies – DUH!
