Jul 31 2014
Best Coffee Table Books
Calling all book worms and decor-obsessed four eyes, this post is for you! Today we’re talking the best coffee table books to add some pizzaz to your humble abode. Plus Waffles and I will give you a little taste of our living room (more to come soon).

Mug /// Vase

Mug /// Vase
Growing up with a awesome interior designer for a mom, decor was always important to me. My mom had the coolest ways of incorporating super modern pieces (contemporary sculptures, minimalistic lamps and lots of stainless steal) with kitschy vintage touches (displaying her collection of vintage typewriters in the living room), so I quickly learned to follow her lead.

Bag /// Bracelet /// Notebook /// Lips

Bag /// Bracelet /// Notebook /// Lips

In high school I fell in love with the Hollywood regency style perfected by the goddess herself Kelly Wrestler and began to die for her designs. Soon after, whimsical nature of Jonathan Adler and Kate Spade also found a place in my heart. When I lived in Arizona I had the luxury of incorporating my vintage couch (that I scored for $75 dollars at Goodwill before repainting and kept in my closet, yes, closet) into these design styles for a glamor-meets-thrift-feel (yes, that’s a thing). But now, in my tiny, tiny, train style apt the vintage pieces are few an far between because functionality has to rule above all.

When I first moved in last year, I channeled the old Kate Spade stores as my decor inspiration for a vintage vibe with pops of color and pattern see it here. Ironically, my apartment got a make over just as the Kate Spade stores did too (have you been to this one, it’s ba-nanans), what was once rustic & charming is now clean, crisp and b&w (but hopefully still pretty charming) – I can’t wait to share it with you! Although I was cranking up the glam factor, I still wanted to keep the over-accesorized, vintage-vibe that reminded me of so many important things of the past (Living with my mom, Kate Spade and my beloved closet couch . tear) and I do that through coffee table books, and lots of them!
{ 10 points if you know what the Q stands for }

{ 10 points if you know what the Q stands for }

So you may be wondering, “But Courtney, you don’t have a coffee table” – true, and I probably won’t for a while. Everything in NYC has to be bi-functional. So my table serves as a breakfast nook, flower lined jewelry box, a procrastinators favorite desk, i-have-a-shopping-problem-but-it-counts-as-cardio-right? window displace, the place where donuts come to die, pre-party planning place and the closest thing I will ever get to a coffee table, and I’m okay with that. But that doesn’t mean I have to miss out on the wonder that is coffee table books. In fact I have become a collector of sorts resulting in too many to displace, hence why they are covering every surface in my apt.

The best Coffee Table books for a B&W apartment:
I usually go treasure hunting for my coffee table books, I have seriously scored at Housing Works giving a second home to a few gems, but also like to mix it up with a few new books (plus you will never find a Chanel book at a thrift store, and if you do, go buy a lotto ticket and seriously shame on you to the delusional lunatic who threw out anything with the word “Chanel”). Pairing old with new, thrifted with books hot off the press will create an interesting arrangement!
by ASSOULINE /// $75
{I also have (and love) The Gospel According to Chanel for a small read & finishing touch for any book shelf}

& just for fun I love the Great American Pinup book, it’s big & white perfect for the finishing touch on a B&W room plus it’s crazy cheap. If you are looking to spend a bit more, I suggest the Big Book Of Chic!
P.S. can we talk about these Pajamas – I can’t take them off, especially since it is currently 1:36AM and both Waffles and Paris are passed out (snuggling) on the rug, lucky ducks! Anyways, they are super soft & crazy cute, after wearing PJ Salvage pajamas I never want to wear another set of PJs but somehow force myself to switch off with this romper. I have even worn the shorts out of the house with a T-shirt while walking waffles, no shame here #unfabulous. Plus check out how I rocked their sleep to street wear romper in real-life. Who says you can’t wear your Pajamas all day?

Would love to hear about some of your favorite coffee table books. Leave a comment below with your pick so I can follow your lead and continue to hoard, I mean add to the collection XO