Dec 12 2014

The Guy Gift Guide

IMG_2405If you caught yesterday’s post you know we’re in full gift guide mode here… well, ’tis the season! Gal Pals are important but I also always like to pick out something (or a whole bunch of somethings) special for my guy. Having a fashionable guy in your life is kind of awesome, until it comes to christmas and a track suit and gloves just won’t cut it. Dating someone with serious style and a fashion POV of his own proposes new gifting challenges that I haven’t had to face when gifting for other guys, but it also makes it that much more exciting! Here are some of my top pick for the guy in your life….boyfriend gift guide giftd for your guy guy gifts gifts for guys christmas gifts for guys christmas guy gifts christmas gifts for guys guy gift guide what to buy your boyfriend for christmas what to buy your boyfriend

IMG_2406I don’t usually discuss it, but for those of you who don’t know Paris and I have been dating since highschool and were best friends before that… I know, we’re basically an old married couple, it’s kind of gross. But in all seriousness, I honestly don’t know where or who I would be without him, not only is he my blog photographer and the sweetest guy around, he is also biggest fan and supporter both in & outside of Color Me Courtney. I know I don’t gush enough Pair, so please know how much I appreciate and love you for all that you are and all that you do <3


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