Oct 9 2013
Hollywood Halloween
Happy October!
Halloween is just around the corner, so today I’m sharing 10 easy DIY costumes based on 5 leading ladies. First up, the dame who snoozes in style and dines with diamonds, Miss Holly Golightly from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
DIY tassel ear plugs: Make your own plugs by securing
a set of thread tassels (available at any craft or sewing store) to a colorful pair of earplugs with hot glue
Get The Look >> Holly Go-Nightly Eye Mask
Think Pink! If you’re a bouncing blonde or just want to wig out and see if blondes really do have more fun dress as Legally Blonde’s Elle Woods! Just add a pint sized pup and you’re ready to go.
Complete the look with natural makeup and a pink lip!
If pink isn’t your thing, consider taking center stage while channeling your
dark side in a Black Swan Ballet costume.
Complete the look with a smoky eye, black tights and maroon lip.
DIY “Point Shoe” Pumps: To create the illusion of point shoes without sacrificing the heigh of pumps, use ribbon to get the look! Simply lay satin black ribbon under the arch of your foot, leaving about a foot and a half of ribbon on each side, then cross the ribbon so it makes an X over the arch of your foot, again across your achilles, and a third time above your ankle before tying a bow at the back of your foot.
If you have long dark locks or just want to bring our your inner “girl on fire”, try volunteering as tribute and suiting up for the 74th annual hunger games as Katniss Everdeen!
Complete the look with dark makeup, a nude lip and a messy katniss side braid! And pop by my hunger games posts to get inspired
I couldn’t create costumes for the leading ladies without featuring one of my favorites to grace both the big and small screen: little miss mouse!
Complete the look with a boldly lined cat-eye, bright blush cheeks and a bold red lipstick! more minnie inspired looks here.
I hope you enjoyed these costumes ideas, but if not I am taking requests for other DIY outfit options. Just send me a message or leave a comment with the costume you would like, and I will do my best to create some easy DIY options for you!

Until then, make pop by my other costume craze posts
for more diy outfit ideas

Until then, make pop by my other costume craze posts
for more diy outfit ideas
